
6432001-1 Voltage Converter

Deliver 2,000 watts of DC Power to in-flight entertainment systems, interior and exterior lighting and in-seat, cabin and cockpit USB

A-429 HS/LS to Serial Converter

The A-429 HS/LS to Serial Converter accepts ARINC 429 High Speed/Low Speed data and provides RS-232 or RS-422 serial output data in a hexadecimal dump for each desired label per line.

AC TO DC POWER SUPPLY/AC to regulated 28 Vdc power converter, 1200 watt

The WH120 DC power supply from KGS converts a 115/200 VAC, 4 wire Wye, 400 Hz, 3-phase input to a regulated 28 VDC up to 1,200 watt continuous output. This power supply features off-line rectification, a pulse width-modulated DC-to-DC step-down voltage converter, and a rugged, high power IGBT power module. The WH120 is designed for use with mobile and ground vehicle equipment and lighting systems that require a regulated 28 VDC power source.

Synchro to ARINC 429 HS Converter

This Synchro to ARINC 429 HS Converter (933800-24) is a general purpose converter, which can be used whenever Synchro to ARINC 429 High speed conversion is required. It can receive three 3-wire Synchro ARINC 407 inputs: pitch, roll and magnetic heading. The received labels are then converted to ARINC 429 high speed. The output labels are: 320 (Magnetic Heading), 324 (Pitch) and 325 (Roll). This converter also receives 3 discreet flag inputs which are used to enable or disable the output of ARINC 429 labels associated with roll (325), pitch (324) and magnetic heading (320).

E/L PANEL INVERTER/AC to AC power converter, 200 VA, 115 VAC 400 Hz to 105 to 125 VAC 400 Hz

The FJ20 from KGS is a pulse width modulated AC to AC power inverted that provides regulated 0 to 5 VAC at 400 Hz power up to 40 amps. The output voltage is controlled by a 0 - 5 Vdc slider voltage applied at pin M from a 10k potentiometer 1/2 watt to ground or directly from a 0 - 5 VDC source.


The KN72 is a remote mounted VOR/LOC converter designed to operate with NAV receiver and VOR/LOC indicator to provide OMNI directional range or localizer information. Design features include improved VOR scalloping rejecting, versatile mounting, low power consumption, and externally adjustable VOR centering, localizer centering and course width.


The LT-3103-4 is a pulse width-modulated DC to DC converter that provides regulated multiple output power. The converter transforms an unregulated 28 VDC to a regulated and adjustable DC output via a remote control potentiometer or voltage for voltage controlled models. The LT-3103-4 is primarily designed to control the light intensity of incandescent bulbs in lighting systems.

DC POWER CONVERTER/28 VDc to 14 VDC high powered DC converter, 560 watt


The KGS model RG56 is a high efficiency, high powered 28 VDC converter that provides regulated 14 Vdc output voltage.The converter is capable of delivering 560 Watts continuously at 14 Vdc input, up to 40 amperes output.

6430280-1 Voltage Converter

Model Number: TC280 Technical Description
115 VAC in, 28 VDC out, 280 watts

Regulated DC-DC Power Converter | 28/14VDC, 280W


The RG28 converts 28 VDC input voltage to a regulated 14 VDC output voltage.

The 14 VDC output is buck converted from the input voltage and therefore the output voltage is not isolated from the input.