Altitude Holds, Selectors and Alerters

SAE 5-35 Altitude Encoder | RS232, 35,000 ft

The SAE 5-35 altitude encoder provides accurate altitude data by combining altitude encoding, digital altitude on two RS-232 outputs, and altitude inflight monitoring (AIM) into a single compact and reliable unit. The SAE 5-35 provides Gillham Grey Code to the aircraft’s Mode C transponder using innovative pressure circuitry that greatly reduces warm up time. This unit provides altitude data from -1,000 to 35,000 feet — ideal for installations in piston, turbine, and jet aircraft.

KAS 297C Altitude Selector | Black, 14/28V VDC + False

The KAS 297C Altitude Selector for the KFC 275/325 Flight Control System allows pilots to preselect the desired altitude in climb or descent. The system provides automatic capture and hold upon reaching the selected altitude. As require be FAR 91.51, altitude is also provided.

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Contact Cost Aero at 855-500-3044 for pricing